
Writing scripts for audiovisual shows;

Participation in the planning and organization of the show;

Selection of artists and musicians for shows and performances;

Conducting rehearsals and searching for new performers; 

Organization of the filming process of the show;

Scheduling rehearsals;

Making rehearsal plans;

Drawing up a shooting schedule;

Providing rehearsals with necessary props;

Background noise design, recording of phonograms;

Full-cycle audio production;

Creation of audio collages using his own voice and various sound and noise samples;

Author of ideas, director of performances and audiovisual shows;

Work in various fields of modern experimental music; 

Performances on experimental stages as an author and performer of compositional and improvisational electroacoustic music;

Audiovisual performances (unity of music, architecture, installations);

Noise performances;

Work in the field of media performance;

Collaboration with media artists;

Dubbing installations by multimedia artists;

“Applied” works for radio, television, cinema, ballet, advertising and the stage;

Collaboration with music labels, musicians, dancers, actors; 

Collaboration with theaters as a sound artist and composer; 

Assistant composer of electroacoustic music;

Assistant sound artist, sound artist;

Collaboration as an assistant director of audiovisual The show; 

Assistant director, creating performances;

Collaboration with theater directors and film directors;

Sound and spatial sound installations, gallery format;

Sound and noise accompaniment of exhibitions;

Collaboration with contemporary artists in various projects (responsibility for sound);

Search for sound concepts and their embodiment in the form of a composition;

Development of conceptual installations;

Creation of sculptural sound installations;

Fusion of sound, painting and sculpture realized in installations;

Work with sound using original acoustics;

Reproduction of sound compositions in architectural spaces; 

Creation of soundtracks for films, theatrical performances, radio plays, art installations;

Noise design of performances, individual episodes of motion pictures;

Sound illustrations for short films;

Work on a sound and noise performance for an experimental theater;

Co-writing music for musical theaters;

Creation of a sound and noise musical;

Work on a spatial sound performance;

Co-author of spatial compositions;

Work in the field of spatial sound;

Audio accompaniment for films;

Sound accompaniment in all videos;

Original author’s soundtrack;

Writing music to accompany images;

Recording sound and noise accompaniment for experimental animation;

Writing thematic melodies for shows and music for advertising; 

Writing music for radio performances;

Compiling a sound library for a film, play;

Composing a graphic score (notation) of specific sounds for spatial placement of tracks;

Creating sound maps (geographical maps) with information about the sound characteristics of various locations)