To learn to play the violin, KLAVDIYA enrolled in the Central Children’s Art School of Khimki. At the age of 10, KLAVDIYA was accepted into the ensemble of violinists “Inspiration” under the direction of the Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, the artistic director of the ensemble — Lyudmila Mikhailovna Egorova. In 2024, the ensemble turns 50 years old.

The Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Young Musician provides detailed information and characteristics of the Khimki Ensemble as the best children’s group, which made a significant contribution to the development of ensemble performance in Russia.

KLAVDIYA studied with Sereda Valentin Pavlovich, musicologist — theorist, teacher at the Department of Music Theory, assistant to Prof. S. S. Grigoriev (harmony course at the Faculty of Theory and Composition) and Prof. T. F. Muller (polyphony course at the Faculty of Theory and Composition) at the Moscow Conservatory.

KLAVDIYA studied composition at the Musical College named after the Gnesin.

KLAVDIYA took lessons in music theory from the legendary teacher of solfeggio and harmony Gubanova Natalia Borisovna, a student of the outstanding teacher and legendary personality Dmitry Alexandrovich Blum at the Academic Music School at the Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory.

In 1998, KLAVDIYA was accepted into the Chamber Choir LAD as an artist of the choir. The mezzo-soprano is rarely found in nature.This voice is widely used on the opera stage. In the Italian school, mezzo can sound like a lyric-dramatic or dramatic soprano, but in range it can be lower than these voices by a third.

The main direction of the band’s work is the national musical culture of European countries from the XV century to the present day. The choir’s repertoire includes both original music and folk songs from different countries. The band pays special attention to sacred music. Jazz compositions are also present in the repertoire.

In 1999, KLAVDIYA took part in The second Charity festival “Christmas-99” as a solo violinist. The concert was held in the conference hall of the Federation of Peace and Accord with the support of the Russian National Committee (EFCO).

The Federation of Peace and Accord (FMS) is an international non-governmental organization with consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council and the status of a member of the Council of Europe. Among the major international events organized by the FMS: meeting of non-governmental organizations of the BRICS countries (2012).

Representatives of the FMS regularly participate in events of a number of intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, including the United Nations, the Council of Europe, the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly, the Pugwash Movement of Scientists, etc. The FMS participates in the work of the Scientific Council under the Russian Security Council, advisory, coordinating and expert bodies of the Russian Foreign Ministry, the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, the Public Chamber of Russia, as well as in the work of councils, committees and commissions of the Russian Academy of Sciences, events of scientific institutions under the scientific and methodological guidance of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Russian Theatre Institute (IRT), on the basis of which a private institution of additional professional education “Academy of Russian Theatre” was established in March 2017. For 6 years, KLAVDIYA underwent an individual training program with the preservation and development of the traditions of the Russian theater school, laid down by K. Stanislavsky, V. Nemirovich-Danchenko, E. Vakhtangov, A. Tairov, V. Meyerhold. 

The workshop of the director of the Moscow Art Theater named after Chekhov Litvinov Valery Arkhipovich.She played in the educational theater under the direction of director Litvinov V. A.

In 2006, KLAVDIYA was accepted into the troupe of the Moscow theater “Dramatic Enterprise”.

From 2008 to the present KLAVDIYA is engaged in musical and educational activities: she introduces people to the best examples of world classical violin and opera musical culture, highlights issues of upbringing, education and aesthetics in modern society.

From 2016 to the present, work continues on a project in the field of classical violin music and jazz arrangements.

In January 2021, KLAVDIYA launches her own project in the field of sound and noise art. To this day, work continues in the field of experimental sound.

Since september 2021, KLAVDIYA has been acting as the general producer of the KLAVDIYA sound Art project.

In July 2022, KLAVDIYA was included in the personnel reserve of the largest online educational platform In Russia, SKILLBOX is appointed to the position of the supervising curator of the Film and Music direction: the course “Music Management”.

In April 2023, she graduated with honors from the speaker’s course “Let’s talk” and became the owner of a Gold certificate. Irina Hakamada’s school “HAKAMATON”.

Irina Mutsuovna Khakamada is a business coach, public figure, writer, Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor. She was elected three times to the The State Duma of Russia. In 1997, she moved to The Russian government. In June 2000, she was elected Deputy Speaker of the State Duma. In 2004, she put forward her candidacy for the Russian presidential election. A politician of the XXI century among the 100 famous women of the world, a speaker from Russia at the 57th session of the UN General Assembly, nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize, MGIMO University co-founder.

For the second year, KLAVDIYA has been studying with a teacher at the RANEPA Higher School of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (former. ANKH under the Government of the Russian Federation).

Management expert Victoria Shukhat is a business coach, coach of TOP managers and federal politicians, speaker at conferences and forums, a leading trainer at the Corporate Academy of ROSATOM State Corporation, an MBA teacher at the All—Russian Academy of Foreign Trade.

Victoria Shuhat — Member of the Expert Council of the Commission for the Development of Civil Society Issues under the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Clients: Sberbank, Alfabank, Lukoil, Vedomosti advertising agency, RIA Novosti.

In 2023, KLAVDIYA received a certificate of advanced training of the state standard in the field of strategic management and promotion strategy.

The training will last until July 2024.

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